Winners of the 32nd annual ICCI Health & Social Care Bursary announced
Today, Insurance Corporation celebrated the 32nd anniversary of our Health & Social Care Bursary. The Bursary is the only awards scheme in the Bailiwick promoting and celebrating health and wellbeing in the Bailiwick. For over 30 years Health and Social Care staff have been invited to submit their ideas to improve the health or social care provision in the Bailiwick, with those projects deemed most beneficial to the Bailiwick community receiving an award.
Earlier this month, a panel of judges from HSC and Insurance Corporation heard presentations from each of the four finalists, finding out more about their ideas and how they envisioned they would help patients, families and the community in the future.

Today the Deputy Bailiff announced the winners of the 2023 Health & Social Care Bursary as Ruby Harrild-Dunbar, who will receive £2,500 towards her project ‘Sexual Health Outreach Support'. Ruby's project aims to utilise resources and games to meet the Sexual Health needs of young people who may not ordinarily engage in mainstream services through educative work, relationship building and clinical work around contraception and sexually transmitted infections. It sets out to prevent harmful sexual behaviours and promote sexual wellbeing.
Deputy Bailiff Jessica Rowland said....
I feel incredibly privileged to be able to hand out these awards. Thank you to Insurance Corporation for your 32 years of support of Peter Walpole's original idea. This is corporate social responsibility at its very best, the commitment of a local business truly giving back to its community through members of the community.
Thank you and well done to all those who entered, your ideas and innovation are incredible and many, many congratulations to all the winners.

The runner up award was presented to Myfanwy Datta for her 'Development of an IBS Pathway' project that aims to assist sufferers by signposting safe and effective dietary advice, sources of information and support, in turn reducing gastroenterology referrals and provide healthcare cost savings whilst improving patient satisfaction and care.
At the awards ceremony, we were also delighted to announce that the remaining two finalists projects, who received Highly Commended Certificates, will also be fully supported by HSC.