Adrian Holley

Technical Claims Executive

Having started a career in general insurance in 1991, Adrian joined Insurance Corporation in 1999, joining the underwriting team.

An opportunity arose to move into Casualty claims handling (EL, PL & motor injury) in 2000, and has remained in this role almost ever since, enjoying the variety and unpredictability that comes with the job, and the problem solving that it entails.

Adrian sees the job as a corollary of the civil justice system and is another example of how ICCI serves the local community by helping victims to recover from their accidents.

Adrian started taking qualifications in late 1995, passing the Cert CII in 1996, Dip CII in 2001, and the Advanced Diploma in 2005. Adrian has no intention of taking the Fellowship, his studying days belong in the dim and distant past! However, he remains committed to CPD, which he sees as a natural extension of his day-to-day activities.